Specialized Testing

Specialized testing can be invaluable in discovering the root causes of your health concerns. In-depth analyses and assessments are a fundamental cornerstone of Dr. Tanya’s practice. Some of these include:

file-20170420-2395-ce7gst.jpgCandida Testing

Symptoms of a chronic candida infection can include allergies, sinus infections, white spots on the tongue, brain fog, abdominal bloating, recurrent yeast infections, and deformed & discoloured nails and toenails. Birth control pills and antibiotic use are just a couple of things that can pre-dispose us to candida overgrowths.


body-116585_960_720.jpgCardiovascular Rick Profile

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of Canadians. This includes heart attacks and strokes, which are primarily caused by high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood cholesterol, poor diet, and excessive alcohol consumption, among others. This Cardiovascular Risk Profile evaluates a thorough battery of traditional and advanced biomarkers to aid in early detection and modification of risk factors.


gluten-2984643_960_720.pngCeliac Disease Profile

In celiac disease, gluten (a protein in wheat products) triggers the immune system to attack and damage the villi (small finger-like projections) of the small intestine, thereby seriously impairing the ability to absorb nutrients from food.

The Celiac Profile tests for gliadin antibodies, to determine if gluten sensitivity is the problem – along with tissue transglutaminase antibodies to diagnose for celiac disease.


26815291_10104253322070760_1180972093133586500_nFood Sensitivity Testing

Blood testing to identify food sensitivities, which can cause eczema, acne, headaches, bloating, diarrhea, joint pain, weight gain, and more. Tests more than 200 of most commonly eaten foods. Testing is important because sensitivity reactions often appear hours to days after the offending foods are eaten.


food_poisoning_2017_guide_660x330.jpgGI Pathogens and Comprehensive Stool Analyses

A variety of viruses, bacteria and parasites can cause infections of the digestive system (gastrointestinal (GI) infections). The gastrointestinal pathogen panel simultaneously tests for the presence of multiple disease-causing microbes in a stool sample. Once the bag bugs are identified, treatment becomes more specifically tailored to the pathogens present.


danger-3061159_960_720.pngHeavy Metal Assessments

Good health depends in part on having low levels of toxic elements within the body. Testing can identify toxins that have built up in the body and are contributing to poor health.

Urine, blood, hair and saliva tests available based on individual needs.


headache-1454330_960_720-2.pngHormone Testing

Complete assessments of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, melatonin, thyroid hormones and more. Imbalances may cause numerous issues including insomnia, fatigue, infertility, PMS, mood disturbances and the inability to lose weight/weight gain.


tick-2371782_960_720.jpgLyme Disease Imunoblot

Lyme Disease, a tick-borne infection, is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and rates are rising drastically in Canada. Symptoms are non-specific and can include intermittent fever, rash, muscle soreness, chills, weakness, nausea, mental confusion, and more. Please contact for more details about the complexities of diagnosing Lyme Disease


Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 2.34.37 PM.pngNutrigenomix

Learn how your genes are affected by the foods you eat and how your unique genetic makeup influences how you respond to different foods and nutrients.

The genes that are tested for influence weight management, nutrient metabolism, cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, eating habits , food intolerances (gluten & lactose), and even physical performance and injury risk.


sibo-and-thyroid-photo.jpgSIBO Breath Testing

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where harmful bacteria overgrow in the GI tract. SIBO is associated with acne, weight loss/gain, fatigue, and abdominal bloating. Breath testing measures the gasses produced by bacteria in the intestine.


woman-2197947_960_720.jpgSleep Balance

Assessing two major biological causes for insomnia: imbalances in melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin is a peptide hormone produced by the pineal gland which helps to control normal sleep patterns. Deficiencies of this hormone can lead to insomnia; however melatonin supplementation can effectively treat this problem if diagnosed correctly. Imbalances in the diurnal pattern of cortisol (often referred to as the “stress hormone”) can also lead to sleep disturbances.


pexels-photo-626165.jpegStress Index

Identifying the impact of chronic stress and it’s underlying dynamics. Looking at the effects of maladaptation to stress, HPA function, HPA gland health, sex hormones, sleep factors, and immune defenses.



Vitamin D-Spot

A blood test to determine if Vitamin D levels are within optimal range.

It has been estimated that 37,000 deaths could be prevented every year if the Canadian average vitamin D level was 105 nmol/L


All testing listed here is only available to patients of Dr. Tanya McEachern ND. Please book an appointment or a free 15-minute consultation to see if any of these tests could benefit you.