Tiger Pose / Vyaghrasana

Vyaghra = sanskrit for tiger

Great for core strengthening, digestion (via spleen and stomach meridian stimulation), and balancing the solar plexus.

The solar plexus, located just below the xyphoid, is the foundation of Manipura (third chakra). It’s associated the fire element, the colour yellow, and with issues of personal power and one’s sense of self. As you work with this pose and this chakra, cultivate a willingness to gain insight into your understanding of power, individuality, and identification. Are there areas of your life where you feel powerless? How does this manifest for you? 

In some, a misaligned third chakra can make skillful self-expression challenging. In some it manifests as aggressive, overly rigid, or controlling behavior (signs of an excess pattern), while in others it breeds a victim mentality, neediness, and lack of direction or self-esteem to stand up and take positive action (signs of a deficiency pattern). 

Physical signs that this area needs work are all things digestive: diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, eating disorders, bloating, abdominal pain, etc. 

From an anatomical point of view, tiger pose is great for strengthening arms, glutes, and core – much needed for this postpartum mama of two! It also helps open the chest, and warms the spine. 

Alignment Tips: make sure your shoulders are right over your wrists, don’t allow your spine to over-arch by tightening your abs, and keep your hips level (there’s a tendency to let the hip of the raised leg elevate too much). Lastly, send your chest forward to get the full juicy pec stretch.

Tigers are powerful animals – some of the most fierce and respected creatures on earth. Channeling their energy in this posture helps foster feelings of strength, empowerment, and resilience. Connecting with your personal power may grant you a deeper understanding of your purpose and bring you a sense of peace.

2 thoughts on “Tiger Pose / Vyaghrasana

  1. Excellent!

    Perhaps you could mention how long the pose should be held for.



  2. Hi Alan, this would depend on whether you’re looking for a heat-generating, quick moving practice (vinyasa style), or strength building (hatha style). Hold for less time (1-2 breaths in and out) if Vinyasa, or for for more time (2+ breaths) if Hatha. If you try out the pose, send me a pic and I can give you some tips & pointers 🙂

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